Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
Having collected together and comprehending all the currently available information about the fifth part of Metal Gear Solid, it is quite difficult to understand what is happening in Hideo Kojima's head. The Japanese gameplay, according to his own words, plans to make the next head of the Great Saga largely similar to the first game of the series, while one of the brightest features of The Phantom Pain is suddenly an open world, integration with mobile devices and the absence of actors David Hatee on the list of actors. The tie and the intricacies of the script (we talked about the plot in general terms in the August issue) clearly make it clear that it will be impossible to fully enjoy the history of the game without preliminary study of the Universe, but however the rest will correspond to the traditions is not yet known. In any case, we haven't traveled on a horse in MGS yet.
Mounting room
Having put aside for the time of thought about the sad fate of Big Boss, a mysterious scene in a hospital from a debut trailer and the role of a half -naked sniper in a new plot, it is easy to understand that first of all The Phantom Pain is an attempt by the studio, no matter how boring it sounds, to make a kind of “Metal Gear New generation Solid ". Kojima himself, justifying castling in the cast and innovations in gameplay, modestly speaks of the allegedly long -necessary renewal of the series, although perhaps everything is much more serious. It is not for nothing that the author pays increased attention to the description of technology and artistic tricks in communication with the press: outside the script, it is the amazing Fox Engine engine and tricks with a virtual camera should make a fifth part of a unique game. The case here is the statement of the picture, and the super -long frame operating technique used by the developers (when everything is actually removed in one plan, without visible transitions), and in almost an inconspicuous change of gaming scenes and videos. It is even more curious how all this will be adjacent to the huge world (in a prolon called Ground Zeroes the card will not be very large, but in the main part it will be possible to naturally get lost), where you have to travel by helicopter, jeep and horse, take additional tasks, survive in sandstone and hunting. Now it is difficult to describe all this even by separately (the gameplay frames in the case of the game of such scale of the answers, of course, are almost not given), but Kojima’s plans are understandable – once and for all bring the famous series as a relatively chamber framework.
[[Bullet]] They plan to make a version for new prefixes much faster: The Phantom Pain on PS4 and Xbox One will work with a frequency of 60 frames per second.
[[Bullet]] On fan forums today you can find at least a few dozen tractes of the chief trailer events.
What is the special function that allows players to magically create additional content, for example entire levels, for The Phantom Pain using mobile gadgets and in the same way to manage the military base (the development of Mother Base will be organized approximately as in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for psp) inside the game. As for the main gaming missions, a replacement of schematic mise -en -scenes with movements inside a cardboard box and accurate strangulation of the opponents will come with comprehensive spy sorties, reminiscent of the best points at the same time Splinter Cell. Any ten minutes of the most typical task in the new Metal Gear Solid is an almost ready plot for an action -packed blockbuster.
Hunter syndrome
Any sortie on an enemy object will consist of several formal stages. By default, you can jump into some armored personnel carrier, get loudly through the opponent’s tent camp, climb the nearest tower and try to shoot everyone, periodically aiming the victims in the dark with a spotlight. Or enter into a contact close battle; In which case, you will have to fiercely fight into hand-to-hand, blind the enemies of the eye with the light of a flashlight and quickly shoot the advancing opponents (when the Snape’s opponents will first detect the player, the Slow-Mo mode will help, which, however, can be turned off). The creators are not at all against such ways to pass stealth explosion, but it will be much more practical to at least estimate their main actions in advance. For example, binoculars will definitely be useful in the game: unlike the fourth part, where the levels were very compact and the stealth often came down to the silent cure of the trigger right behind the enemy’s back, it will be more fascinating in open spaces of the MGS5. You can sit behind stones hundreds of meters from the enemy base, mark the soldiers in the visibility zone, then penetrate the object with the nearest truck and calmly engage in mission, perfectly imagining where and how to penetrate and who should be killed first. The hero will be able to navigate on a convenient three -dimensional card, although no technical means will help without thorough reconnaissance: artificial intelligence in The Phantom Pain has seriously processed the first shows, the enemies have become more careful and cunning.
[[Bullet]] The day in the game pass in about six hours of real time.
[[Bullet]] will turn to the allies for help Snape will be able to use a special IDroid computer.
The rest of the gameplay will remain more or less previous with amendment to small important details. So, the captured soldier can now be instantly interrogated, a little easier for himself a further path in foreign territory. A special visor will help to quickly choose the victim, which allows you to evaluate the situation at the level as if through an X-ray apparatus. Fans are already cursing Kojima for this kind of decision, but how the MGS5 is with difficulty – it is not clear. Either the studio decided to compensate for the simplicity of the game process by the variability of Stlax, or in some way the variety here will be combined with really difficult tasks. Talk about specific sensations from gameplay is completely impossible.
If you recall the confusion that accompanied all the news about Metal Gear Solid 5, say, a year ago, when many seriously believed that Ground Zero is a completely independent game, and only strange rumors went about the plot, today everything was not so clear. Yes, it is known for sure that the fifth part will be called The Phantom Pain, almost an hour of gameplay is shown and partially revealed the identity of several new characters. However, nothing can be predicted so far, and even the very first videos today look extremely mysterious and exciting. Nobody is ready to name a specific release date, and even for the consoles of the current generation, not to mention PS4 and Xbox One. It’s all the more interesting what details of Kojima will reveal in his next interview or performance and what Konami Productions will ultimately.
We will wait?
Actual rebirth of the Metal Gear Solid 5 series. It is possible that one of the best multi -platform hits next year and the main game from Hideo Kojima in general.
Readiness percentage: 90%
Double castling
Surely many fans of the series are familiar with the situation when, for some reason (for example, difficulties with the financial issue), the role of a particular character suddenly begins to play another actor. Especially in this regard, fans of soap operas and other "endless" television shows for twenty seasons are forced to suffer. In the conditional Santa Barbara or the legendary British “Doctor Who”, the appearance of a particular hero, as you know, changed repeatedly, and the matter was not limited to the new hairstyle and mustache-there was often no similarity between different variations of one character (according to a popular joke, all the previous ones The actors during the development of the plot were old and died, and it was just too lazy to look for the authors).
Kififer Suserland was at one time the hero of one game (disgusting action 24: The Game based on the series), but now we can safely say that this time the experience turned out to be much more successful.
If you temporarily distract from the specifics of the body format, with Metal Gear Solid This year, an absolutely identical story happened, for nothing that Kodzima himself recently stated that he really wants to make a fifth of the most similar to an expensive series. The news of the departure of David Hatyr, who played Snake for more than ten years, fans perceived unequivocally on hostility. If the solid Snape was associated with the general public with something, in addition to the pirate bandage, it was with the hoarse voice of Hatyr, but what does Kififer Sutzerland invited to the vacant place, are not yet clear to any of the fans of the series.
There were many folk unrest caused by the departure of the beloved actor from the project in the video game industry. Some of them occurred recently, although they did not cause such a resonance as the lack of a hater in The Phantom Pain. For example, released this fall Batman: Arkham Origins was the first part of the modern video game saga about a dark knight, in which Joker was played not by the ingenious Mark Hamill. It would seem that few could get used to the actor’s voice for just two games (especially since Hamill of the antagonist voiced), but here the situation is much more serious – Mark was the beloved Joker of many fans of the universe from the first releases of the Batman animated series: The Animated Series that appeared as much as in 1992. Unfortunately for many, on the eve of the exit Batman: Arkham City An elderly actor said that he did not plan to participate in the creation of the next action movie with Batman in the title role. Like, the process of recording is a long and extremely tiring matter, and age makes itself felt.
The bright image of the Joker has repeatedly helped the actors fully reveal their talent, and even the great Mark Hamille, many today know not only and not so much by the role of Luke Skywalker.
So in the new part of the intellectual psychopath played Troy Baker-the actor mainly voicing, in addition to different animated series (say, anime epic "Steel Alchemik"), which also worked on video games. His portfolio contains roles in Brothers in Arms , Catherine , Bioshock Infinite and reprints Silent Hill 2 , And everywhere – the main characters. In a word, the players should not seriously worry, especially since the Baker also participated in Arkham City (there the actor gave the voice to the two -faced), which means that the idea of the universe has.
Interestingly, in the first half of 2013, rumors about the departure from the project Kevin Condo, who voiced Batman in the first two parts of Batman, walked. Allegedly, the developers considered that since Arkham Origins is a prequel and generally the history of formation, the superhero should speak somewhat another, younger voice. Later, on Comic-Con, Konrai himself seemed to even refute information about his care, but then it still turned out that another actor was really taken for the role of Batman. Confusion in the head of many has survived up to the release. Roger Craig Smith, who also actively voices the animated series and video games, turned out to be young Bruce Wayne – he managed to visit Sonic, Chris Redfield and Ezio Auditor. I must say, even devoted fans were not much against this castling in the cast.
Outwardly, Eric Johnson is much more like Sam Fisher than Michael Ironside. True, the young face of the hero and his invariably excellent physical form with each game look more and more strange.
A small scandal about the departure of the actor familiar to everyone happened with a new part of Sam Fisher's adventures. Instead of Michael Ironside, Canadian Eric Johnson, famous for participating in the series “Supernatural” and “Dead Zone”, voiced in the sixth part of the spy. Here the reaction of the fans turned out to be truly aggressive: thousands of comments on the forums, discussing a video with two actors (a man hung with Fisher played by the video, even an Internet Petiation demanding to return Ironside to the project. This is not surprising – over the years of work on the series, Michael gave Sam not only a voice, but in fact both character and artistic image. In addition, today Ironside is known to many also by loud film executions (one of the last roles is the captain in the blockbuster “X-Men: First Grade), while Eric Johnson, the general public can inadvertently confuse with the namesake-guitarist. One way or another, in Ubisoft They did not listen to the wishes of the public and the image of Fisher was still updated. There was no tragedy because of this (except that the elderly spy became much more balanced and no longer breaks the shells by strangers, it is characteristic of growling), so that fans of the series were worried, again, absolutely in vain.
The authors of Thief 4 fundamentally do not want to impose the voice of one actor on the movements of the other, since this, according to them, in the bud kills the whole essence of work with modern technologies for seizing movements.
To issue in writing an angry demand for the publisher and the developer studio were not too lazy and fans of the series Thief , The new game of which should appear next year. Earlier, the authors promised to attract the old cast to work on the fourth part, but then on the mountain the fans reported that the professional thief Garrett would no longer tell Stephen Russell's voice. This is due, according to Eidos montreal , First of all, with changes in the personality of Garrett (supposedly the intonation of Russell, they are no longer at all suitable), and secondly – with technological progress. Unlike the first three games of the series, now the actor, in addition to the banal slander of phrases in the microphone, will also have to give the character his movements, that is, to perform complex tricks on the site, convincingly pronouncing replicas. According to the authors, the middle-aged Steven Russell and the Full Performance Capture technology-things are not very compatible. Therefore, Romano Orzari, a Canadian actor, who has experience of such a job (Romano helped the new Garret Assassin’s Creed 2 ).
However, for Russian -speaking Thief lovers who do not speak English, all these personnel permutations have exactly any importance: “New Disk” reports that actor Alexander Noskov will voice in the localized version (in the cinema they said, for example, Django and the green lantern ). Here, no matter how difficult it is to guess, petitions are unlikely to be appropriate.